
Frank Keegan, a Parks and Recreation employee knew the benefits of belonging to a Credit Union. He enjoyed Credit Union membership from his previous job with the postal service. In 1969, Frank enlisted the help of the union presidents to band together and form the Greenwich Municipal Employees Federal Credit Union.

At the organizational meeting on March 21, 1969, each union contributed $500.00 to the Credit Union. The Credit Union opened its door with a grand total of $2,000.00!

For the first several years, the Credit Union had no place to call home. Business was conducted at the desk of a Credit Union board member and all the records were kept in her car. Imagine how the director felt when her car was stolen and all the Credit Union records were stored in her trunk! At that point the Board of Directors realized the need for a permanent and secure office for the membership and the need for a full time employee.

Throughout the seventies, the Credit Union was located in the Fire-Police building in central Greenwich. The Credit Union continued to grow in membership and asset size. We outgrew our space and expanded into the hallway. With the addition of a wall and two doors we now had a two room office!

In 1986 the Credit Union had two full time and one part time employee, three desks, two computers, one copy machine and no room for the members! We knew we had to move. The Board of Directors formed a committee to search for larger quarters. It soon became very evident that we needed our own building, a place to call home. In 1988 we purchased the building we now occupy. The Credit Union office is located on the first floor. We were one of the first Credit Unions in Fairfield County to purchase our own building.

In the fall of 2000 we began a major renovation to our offices to accommodate our growing membership. We hired a fourth staff member and added many new services.

Since 1969 the Credit Union has grown to twenty-five million dollars in assets. More than 2000 people enjoy the services we have to offer. The current Board of Directors and staff are committed to continue the steady growth and commitment to services during the years to come.